

The favorites section displays any element within DataBlend that has been saved for quick access. If the favorite is a Collector, Query, Target or Workflow, the end user can execute any of the specific actions directly from this section (Run or Collect).

Creating a Favorite

Creating a favorite is simple. Users may favorite a Credential, Collector, Data Target, Query, Data Source, or Workflow. To create a favorite, users navigate to the star icon on the upper left next to Edit.

Please note that users cannot favorite an Unpivot, Data Quality Report, Schema, Agent or Notification.

Saved Views

Saved views are a unique feature offered by DataBlend that allow users to quickly view filtered searches. Setting a saved view is simple. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner. A drop-down will appear with option to save the current view, restore the default view, or copy share URL. Copying a Share URL will allow other users with the URL to view the same saved view.


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