

For users who wish to find their profile. Simply, navigate to the top right corner where the email associated with the user account is found. A drop-down menu will appear allowing you to select either Profile or Log out.


Users who wish to change their profile name can do so by simply by clicking on the name field, updating the field, and clicking save. The name change will reflect throughout the DataBlend platform.


API Client ID

API Client ID is conveniently located at the top right corner of the profile screen. This is useful for establishing credentials and collectors.

API Secret

API Secret is conveniently located at the top right corner of the profile screen. This is useful for establishing credentials and collectors.


To learn more about inviting or activating a user, please visit

MFA Options

Users can easily change their desired means of multifactor authentication within the MFA Options section. To learn more about MFA at DataBlend, please visit .



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